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Joanne World Tour: Best Moments

As the Joanne World Tour has unfortunately come to an end out of Lady Gaga’s control, we want you to look back at some of the tours best moments!

This is an open list, meaning you can submit your own content! Did you attend the tour and have a special moment you want to share? Do you have a specific moment during the tour that really touched you? Post it below!

You can add anything from pictures, videos, or simply write a story.

#1 Lady Gaga: The first woman to headline Wrigley Field

Lady Gaga on Twitter

I can't believe I was the 1st Woman ever to headline Wrigley Field. And on toppa it, we SOLD OUT! 💋🎤What an honor Chicago! #JoanneWorldTour

Lady Gaga was the first woman to ever headline Wrigley Field. That same night, Lady Gaga noticed our tweet ❤️

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#2 Gaga ”I’m super ****ing talented” Joanne World Tour

When she reminds us that she's super f**king talented even though we been knew

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#3 Joanne World Tour: Montreal

xoxo, sabrina ⭐️ on Twitter

I love this picture I took 😍

Lady Gaga cancelled her first show in Montreal which was devastating, but pulled through with a rescheduled show and she was AMAZING!

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took this picture at her first Birmingham show during alejandro❤

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#5 #JoanneWorldTourPittsburgh"Take my picture and put on the fl

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#6 😍😍😍

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Legend Monster

Written by Gaga Media

Lady Gaga Media was established in 2012, we provide the latest news on singer/actress Lady Gaga.

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Lady Gaga cancels remaining Joanne World Tour shows

Joanne World Tour: Funniest Moments