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Lady Gaga explains how she helped Bradley Cooper incorporate drag into A Star is Born

In an interview with CinemaBlend, Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga explained how she helped him work drag into A Star is Born during the preparation of the film.

Bradley Cooper: You know, in terms of the structure of the movie, I always wanted there to be a special moment when he first sees her and make it unique. Eric Roth and I, when he and I were writing the movie, we sat down with Stefani and I would record, very much like we are here, hours and hours. I would just ask her tons of questions, and then he and I would listen to it back and try to take things and think, ‘How can we mold this?’ And we really loved the drag bar idea. And I wanted her to sing ‘La Vie En Rose.’ So it was just trying to fit these things together. That’s kind of how that came about. And then I met these incredible… Willam just blew my mind. Yeah. He blew my mind, and Shangela. Once I met them and we were on the set, it just became endless the possibilities of what we could do in this space.

Lady Gaga: It’s so wonderful, as well, [Bradley’s] curiosity about drag makeup. I remember like having a whole conversation with him about soaping the brow and how you get the eyebrow to stay down and then how you pat it with powder so that you can’t see it. And then we talked about doing the, the eyebrows and all of these little details he was so interested in. I thought it made for such an authentic moment in the film and I’m so happy that it’s there.


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Legend Monster

Written by Gaga Media

Lady Gaga Media was established in 2012, we provide the latest news on singer/actress Lady Gaga.

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