Lady Gaga gave an exclusive interview to French magazine: Public. The singer talked about her role in A Star is Born, dealing with depression, and wanting a child. Read the translated interview below.
Why did you choose to shoot in A Star Is Born?
Because I’m a fan of Bradley Cooper, it’s his first full-length film as a director, working with him got me excited, but mostly because I’ve always been drawn to this story. And then this film allows me to associate two passions in my life: singing and comedy.
You say you feel “vulnerable” when you see yourself on the big screen …
It’s destabilizing because it expands everything. Your face and your body are bigger. If you have an attractive physique, it is sublimated. If it’s the opposite, you only want to go along the walls!
It is to see your nose that hinders you?
I am very happy with my nose today but that has not always been the case. At school, they made fun of my physique. I come from a family of Italian immigrants. I was different from the blonde, blue-eyed, tall, well-behaved girls in the schoolyard. It was complicated for me, a lot. Then, I matured. I realized that my nose and the rest was a legacy I should be proud of. What I like about A Star Is Born is that I’m natural. It’s my real hair color and I do not wear makeup.
No make-up at the cinema?
On the day of the screen tests, Bradley was waiting for me in front of my house. When I went out, he approached me with a cleansing wipe that he applied it to my face. By coquetry, I had put a hint of foundation. He said, “Stefani, I do not want any make-up.” He wanted my vulnerability to show through through my role.
Have you ever been asked to make or show too much?
When I wrote my first songs, people tried to take them to give to other singers. Why? Because I was a girl, a little barred and not very pretty. The producers did not want it. They liked my titles but felt that they should be interpreted by girls who were not cold-hearted and who would show their sexuality without the slightest blockage. From there, I asked myself a lot of questions about myself.
Aging scares you?
What scares me is that we never ask this question to a man. Ignorance, baseness of feelings, malice when it becomes a motor, or children and teens when they become the recurring target, that scares me.
You said that one day a student put you in the trash of a restaurant. Why have it hidden from your parents?
Because I was ashamed! I was ravaged. You know, you can have the most awesome and coolest family in the world, there are things you can not reveal. I was very impressed by this story because it happened in my neighborhood. Everyone made fun of me. I was the general joke, humiliated. On the other hand, having been harassed and ridiculed made me understand how much I am suffering, and it is precisely this suffering, these cracks, that made me, I think, someone capable of to write strong songs and with content.
Are you referring to other cracks?
Depression, anorexia, bulimia, I’ve known everything. It’s hereditary in my family. I am Catholic, Italian and neurotic. Music is my medicine. Even if, in this environment, they have hurt me! They made me sign contracts, they let me go, they used me, they threw me. All this hurt me but I survived…
Are your outfits a protection?
They are a space of expression and always reflect my state of mind. If it looks crazy, it’s because I’m crazy. If I look classic, it’s because I feel very focused on something. (Laughter) I’m aware of having forced the line. I also admit that the more I added to my extravagances, the more I protected myself. The characters I invented hid the real Stefani. And then, there came a time when I felt the need to free myself.
Why have you posted a picture where you see stretch marks on your chest?
To show that I am not perfect. For many young girls, I am an example. So, of course, I could edit this picture, but it was essential that I show my fans that I, too, have imperfections and that I assume them.
Does superstar status weigh you down?
Yes, but it’s my fault. I cut myself off from realities. Every minute of my job is programmed, ultra secure. To avoid the crowd, I’m going through parking lots, discreet passages, back doors … I would so much be able to go out in the street, sit at a table on the terrace and talk normally with people I meet. For years, I locked myself in a gilded prison and threw away the key.
What is lacking in your happiness?
A child. Being a mother, starting a family: I am ready to live this adventure fully. And, as my mother did with me, I will practice talking with my children. I believe very much in the virtues of dialogue.