YASS SLAY SHOOK LMAO 4.1k Views in Buzz, Game Pick a Lady Gaga look and we’ll tell you which Chromatica track you are MoreReport
YASS LMAO 1.3k Views in Buzz, Game Can you steal the hard drive containing Chromatica without getting caught? MoreReport
SLAY SHOOK YASS LMAO SAD 8.5k Views in Buzz, Game Tell us your zodiac sign and we’ll tell you which Chromatica track you should claim MoreReport
YASS LMAO SHOOK SAD SLAY 9.1k Views in Buzz, Game Many tribes battle for dominance on Planet Chromatica… can yours win? MoreReport
YASS SLAY SHOOK LMAO SAD 36.2k Views in Buzz, Game Which tribe from the Stupid Love music video are you? MoreReport
YASS SLAY LMAO 3k Views in Buzz, Game Which iconic lyric from Lady Gaga’s ARTPOP album are you? MoreReport
YASS 1.1k Views in Buzz, Game Plan a Gagaween party and we’ll tell you which Lady Gaga song you are MoreReport
SLAY YASS LMAO SHOOK 4.4k Views in Buzz, Game Can you be Lady Gaga’s assistant for the day without getting fired? MoreReport