In case you didn’t already know, Lady Gaga is in FACT Italian.
Can you remember all the times she’s mentioned it throughout her career? She never fails to mention it, ever since she was 13.
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Lady Gaga once responded to a tweet by saying
“I’m an Italian girl from New York”
“I’ve been Italian since I was 13”
“I love meat balls”
“I’m Italian”
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Lady Gaga says coming from strong Italian background helps her deal with
having a farm with chickens
her fans screaming “YASSSSS”
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Every chance she gets, Lady Gaga mentions
She comes from a big Italian family
She’s an Italian girl from New York
Jo Calderone
She wants to move to Italy and be a soccer mom
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Lady Gaga once wore a mask and said “I’m Italian”
while walking down the street and posing for the paparazzi
at a restaurant
at the Born This Way Ball
during an interview
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Is Lady Gaga Italian?
No, she’s been singing jazz since she was 13
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Lady Gaga said “I’m Italian” in what interview?
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Finish the quote “I’m ________”
a Legend
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