You have once chance, can you make it?
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Question of
How are you dressing up for this robbery?
Like a true robber but make it fashionable
You grab the first thing in your closet and hope it works out
Disguising yourself as a chicken nugget
Disguising yourself as a Christmas tree
Question of
You’ve reached the location. How are you entering the house?
Front entrance
Back entrance
Side entrance
You look around to see if there’s a spare key somewhere
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You’re officially inside the house. Which way do you go first?
This is too risky, you leave.
Question of
Where do you think the hard drive is being kept?
In a safe in the basement
In Gaga’s office
In a secret bunker in the basement
Question of
Ugh oh. Asia has spotted you and gives you a shady look. Looks like she might bark and expose your whereabouts. What do you do?
Run away as fast as you can
Give her a dog toy and hope it keeps her entertained
Slowly walk away
Give her a treat
Take her with you. You’re already committing a felony so what’s another?
Question of
You’ve reached the location and the hard drive is in the safe. What’s the passcode?
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