You’ve taken the hardest A Star is Born quiz, but how’s your behind-the-scenes knowledge about the movie? Have you been paying attention to how many times Lady Gaga told us Bradley wiped her makeup off on set?
Well 99 people might not have believed in Gaga, but we believe you can score 100%!
Question of
Lady Gaga is wearing a piece of clothing from her own closet in the movie. Which is it?
The top she wears when visiting Jackson in rehab
The jump-suit she wears during Always Remember Us This Way
The shawl she wears while recording Look What I Found
The gold ruffled dress she wears at the Grammy’s
Question of
True or false: Lady Gaga was supposed to wear another dress during the Grammy’s in the movie, and she changed her mind at the last minute.
Question of
How many people didn’t believe in Gaga?
Question of
The movie was filmed entirely in how many days?
Question of
Lady Gaga took some pieces from the set. What were they?
Jackson’s shirt, Mr. Bubble, Ally’s songbook
Jackson’s shirt, Mr. Bubble, Ally’s song book, and the La Vie En Rose sign
Just Jackson’s shirt and Ally’s songbook
Ally’s necklace, Jackson’s shirt, Mr. Bubble and Ally’s songbook
Question of
Have Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper read any reviews of the movie?
They both have
None of them have
Bradley has
Lady Gaga has
Question of
DJWS said two of the songs below were written on the same day. Which ones?
Always Remember Us This Way and Is That Alright?
Heal Me & Look What I Found
Is That Alright? and Look What I Found
Hair Body Face & Heal Me
Question of
True or false: It was Bradley Cooper’s idea to include the dialogue bits into the record.
Question of
Gaga composed the string arrangements and conducted the orchestra in the studio for Before I Cry. Was this her first time doing this?
It was her first time
No she’s done it before
Question of
Someone from the set, loaned their own wedding dress for Gaga to use during Ally’s elopement. Who was it?
Erin Benach
Karen Murphy
Sarah Tanno
Lynette Howell Taylor
Lori McCoy-Bell
Question of
Why did Lady Gaga take on the role for the movie?
She wanted to smooch Bradley Cooper. Who wouldn’t?
She knew it would take her career to new heights
She was fascinated by the story
She loves doing tributes, and a remake of a movie is sort of like a tribute right? OBVIOUSLY she had to take on the role.
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