Hey there, we’re glad that you’re enjoying the website! As you see, it’s a work in progress as we do plan to continue rolling out new features.
In order to use the website, we ask that you become aware of and agree to the following guidelines. These are here because we realise that we’re building a community here and we want to ensure this is a space where everyone feels safe and loved.
We will make every effort to moderate the site and ensure that it remains a safe space. However, we are a very small team and we can not moderate each and every post on the website immediately. Therefore, we ask that you will be responsible for what you post and be on the lookout for any post you see that may violate any of our posting conditions.
We don’t want to limit your creativity, that’s why we’ve opened up the site for posts of all types. For the time being, we hope this becomes a space where you can share all your Gaga related thoughts, ideas and creations. GO WILD.
NSFW Posts
We must recognise the presence of minors in the Little Monsters community and must make every effort to protect them. We ask that you refrain from posting or interacting with NSFW content on the website. While we cannot monitor all the posts here, we will make every effort to protect those in our community. If you see a post that you believe should not be here, please use the REPORT PAGE. If for any reason the page is not working, you may submit a report by sending us a quick message on Twitter or e-mail us at gagamvideos@hotmail.com.
Content Ownership and Copyright
Our site does not claim credit for any of the images, media, or information posted on this site unless otherwise stated. If you see anything that belongs to you on this blog and you wish for it to be removed please let us know immediately using this page or via e-mail: gagamvideos@hotmail.com. We will remove your content immediately upon your request.
Most of the news content we post does not belong to us. In this case, we will place the word “SOURCE” at the end of each article with a hyperlink to the original content. Please contact us at our email address for any inquiries or requests on this policy. We will, of course, immediately remove the content at the request of the original content owner.
We, however, do not take responsibility for any copyrighted content posted on the website by other users. We ask that posters give relevant credits to the original content owners when posting.
As time goes by, we will make edits, alterations and amendments to these Guidelines. We will not inform users of any changes. We ask that you, therefore, make it your responsibility to update yourself on any changes regarding the Terms and Conditions.
By continuing to use this website, you are confirming that you’ve read and agreed to these terms and conditions and agree that you are bound by them.
Please use this page to make a report or contact us.